Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The formula for online poker success!

Work has gotten the better of me again and I have been slack with my updates. Last night I had 1 hour 4-tabling NL50 and got into 6 or 7 big pots, I must have lost two more than I won as I ended up down about $30 overall. It was an aggresive fun session that could have gone either way. No big deal.

One memorable hand was AKs v QQ AI p/f for $50 with my A on the Turn going down to a Q on the River. Best hand held up, so I can't complain ... bugga!

Now what I wanted to let you know about is two very insightful posts from our idol the BCG. He has very generously documented his formula for success, it is a must read. I'll try to include a balanced score card by the weekend showing why I have failed to emulate his successes.

In the mean time, please read and learn here ...

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